Health Matters: Hearing loss across the life course

This blog describes how people are affected by hearing loss across the life course and sets out actions for prevention and treatment.
Elaine Rashbrook is Public Health England's National Lead for Older People and Lead for Global Non Communicable Diseases
This blog describes how people are affected by hearing loss across the life course and sets out actions for prevention and treatment.
The latest edition of Health Matters, PHE's professional resource, focuses on taking a life course approach to the prevention of ill health and explores the evidence base for this approach. This blog provides a summary of the full edition's content.
It may be surprising to hear that the disease most feared by people aged over 55 in the UK is dementia – ahead of cancer, heart attack and stroke. With symptoms including memory loss and difficulties with thinking or language, …
Across the world, people are living longer. A baby girl born in the UK today can expect to live to the age of 83; for a boy, it is 79. Globally, the number of people living today aged 60 and …
The official blog of the UK Health Security Agency, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of health security.