Learning Disability Week – improving hospital care

This week is learning disability week and the focus in on how people with learning disabilities are treated when they are in hospital.
This week is learning disability week and the focus in on how people with learning disabilities are treated when they are in hospital.
This week is Dementia Action Week – an important time to raise awareness of dementia, a progressive and ultimately fatal disease that many people have been touched by in some shape or form. Around 850,000 people are living with dementia …
It may be surprising to hear that the disease most feared by people aged over 55 in the UK is dementia – ahead of cancer, heart attack and stroke. With symptoms including memory loss and difficulties with thinking or language, …
The Alzheimer’s Society estimates that in 2013 the number of people with dementia in England was 686,000. Without public health intervention this has been forecast to increase by 40% by 2025. Dementia may be affecting 108,700 people in the country …
There are around 550,000 dementia carers in the UK. And it is estimated that 1 in 3 people will care for someone with dementia in their lifetime. Dementia carers are the single most important player in the dementia world. They …
This week is Dementia Awareness Week; a welcome opportunity for us at PHE to share what we know about dementia, that it affects over 800,000 people in the UK, and to highlight what we can all do as individuals to reduce …
...across 40 channels simultaneously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfrnWrpPq54 At the centre of the advert is Gina, a former nurse from Liverpool who is living with dementia; a fantastic character and great advocate for...
Earlier this week Sally Warren blogged about how we can support personal and community-level action to help people live well with dementia. I want to consider how we can reduce...
...become a Dementia Friend and communities and businesses to become dementia friendly. Expect to hear a lot more about the things we can do to support people with dementia over...