Recovery from drug dependency: where next?

...lasting recovery? Where are we in terms of achieving our recovery ambition for people in drug treatment? And, in the context of the statistics released today, what can local authorities...
Posts relating to PHE Priority 2: Reducing the burden of disease
...lasting recovery? Where are we in terms of achieving our recovery ambition for people in drug treatment? And, in the context of the statistics released today, what can local authorities... So for instance, in Plymouth and Somerset there is work underway to understand how the NHS Health Check can reach people who may have relatively little contact with primary...
...illness can harm – especially the more disadvantaged communities. A recent report described how the system was letting down people with serious mental illness by not focusing enough on their...
Everyone remembers those iconic public health adverts – the ‘fatty cigarette’ or HIV tombstone TV ads for example. But there is a lot more to health marketing than memorable and...