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Nanoplastics are everywhere: what is the health impact of these tiny particles?

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Graphic showing nanoparticles under the microscope and the text: Nanoplastics - Tiny particles, big impact

Nanoplastics, and their slightly larger cousins microplastics, are polluting our environment and our food. The study of these tiny particles is still a relatively new field and in this blog post for British Science Week we’ll explore how scientists are investigating the effects nanoparticles are having on the human brain and its defences.

The National Collection of Type Cultures: where 100-year-old samples help solve today’s problems

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Scientist using a blow torch to seal an ampule with a sample inside

For British Science Week, we take a look at how decades old, pre-antibiotic samples in our Culture Collections are helping to address health security challenges today. Read our latest blog post to find out how our specimens have become essential ingredients in some of the most important scientific developments in history – some more than once.