Allied Health Professionals
The millions of interactions that paramedics and ambulance staff have with patients and the public provide a valuable opportunity to improve health and wellbeing among the most vulnerable people in society.
Allied health professionals (AHPs) make up the third largest workforce in the NHS, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, paramedics, podiatrists, orthoptists, speech and language therapists, radiographers, art therapists, music therapists, drama therapists, prosthetists and orthotists.
This weekend I am devoting to sport! (For the record, it will be some cycling alongside enjoying the current plethora of sport viewing opportunities). This is my R&R following the excitement that was our third week of action (on health …
...The six areas for ‘population health activities’ are: wider determinants of health health improvement and making every contact count (MECC) health protection healthcare public health supporting independence and wellbeing a...
...contributed to reductions in admissions due to falls in the home of 32 per cent, falls in residential institutions of 27 per cent and falls in the street of nearly...