Improving health in the workplace
Posts relating to PHE Priority 5: Improving health in the workplace
This week is Learning Disability Week and the focus of this year’s week is employment. The charity sector and others are working to raise awareness of the benefits of employing people with a learning disability to help tackle the saddening …
On December 3 we mark an international day for people with disabilities, so as PHE's executive disability champion I thought it would be a good time to share a blog touching on the health and work agenda nationally and focusing …
Recently, my colleagues and I visited several occupational health (OH) departments across England to talk about the ongoing risks to healthcare workers of exposure to bloodborne viruses. 4,830 healthcare workers have reportedly been exposed to bloodborne viruses between 2004 and …
PHE is the first public sector organisation to subscribe to the Business in the Community (BITC) Workwell Benchmark Programme. A number of FTSE 100 companies also subscribe to help them create healthier and more productive workplaces. ‘People are our greatest …
On 4 June 2014, we will be celebrating the launch of the new Workplace Wellbeing Charter standards for England and so I am revisiting the issue of healthy workplaces and the need for all organisations to work to improve the …
The Human Resources team has been busy over the past year transferring more than 5,000 staff from 120 sender organisations safely into PHE and appointing 1,000 new staff across our 115 different sites, ranging from Glasgow to Truro. This was only …
The past few weeks have seen PHE involved in some exciting initiatives with other employers who share our commitment to taking good care of the physical health and mental wellbeing of their staff. There is a real groundswell of energy …
February is lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans history month - a month, like Black History Month, where we celebrate and acknowledge the contribution made by LGBT people in the UK and reflect on their history and culture. The Government has …
We are in the midst of the 16 Days of Action Opposing Violence Against Women, a national movement to raise awareness and prompt action across the world. Public Health England started the 16 days of action on 25 November when it …
...mental health impacted on their concentration, learning, customer service skills, decision-making and ability to deliver complex tasks, and made them more likely to get into conflict with colleagues. Supporting staff...