Science hub
A major priority for Public Health England (PHE) since our creation in 2013 has been to bring to life our vision to relocate our national laboratories. We took this vision and expanded it into a plan for a world-leading centre …
As part of British Science Week, several PHE scientists have been offering interactive workshops to primary and secondary schools in Harlow, Essex, encouraging children to think about science as a future career.
It is now just over a year since the Chancellor announced funding for a world class public health facility in Harlow, Essex. This new integrated science hub will allow PHE to embrace the advent of genome technology and big data …
In March 2014 I described how waiting to be called downstairs to receive feedback from the external team reviewing the progress of the Science Hub programme was like sitting outside Headmaster’s office. Waiting to hear if Government had agreed our …
...on the way in which the programme is organised. For me, we need to strike a balance between what has been shown to work on other programmes and what meets... replace ageing specialist microbiology laboratories in a building at Porton Down that is over 60 years old but, through several iterations, a much larger programme was proposed that would...