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Coronavirus (COVID-19): What is social distancing?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Health Protection

As we start to see more coronavirus cases in the UK, and more widespread community transmission of the virus, further measures to reduce the contact people have with each other may be needed. In this blog we explain what these measures, sometimes referred to as social distancing, mean.

Giving everyone the opportunity to lead a healthy life

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Health inequalities, Reducing the burden of disease

Ten years on from his original report, Michael Marmot and the Institute of Health Equity have published the 'Marmot review 10 years on' report. In this blog we look at some of the work PHE is doing to reduce health inequalities, including the developing priorities set out in our new 5-year strategy for 2020-2025.