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How did singing and dancing pills raise awareness of antibiotic resistance? 

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In 2017, the Keep Antibiotics Working campaign targeted groups who were most likely to use antibiotics (mothers of children aged 0-16, and people aged over 50), and healthcare professionals dealing with patient care and prescribing. In this blog post, we look at a peer-reviewed study investigating the impact of the campaign.

UKHSA’S weekly surveillance report: focusing on ‘Pillar 1’ data

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Changes to how we carry out and support COVID-19 testing mean that ‘Pillar 2’ testing data, which includes community LFD and PCR testing of both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, will no longer provide the same volume of data; it will therefore not be the key component of our weekly reports, which will be dominated by ‘Pillar 1’ test results from the NHS.

Reporting the vital statistics - how data management has been central to the handling of the pandemic

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Hands typing on a laptop.

Over the last two years the COVID-19 Dashboard has played a central role in managing the pandemic. This blog looks at the evolution of the dashboard, how the data features in our daily lives and why transparency is so important.

Behind the scenes: Expanding the COVID-19 dashboard

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Covid-19 dashboard on laptop

When the PHE COVID-19 Dashboard first started back in March 2020, it was just a map and a few charts reporting four metrics on cases and deaths. One year on, read how the dashboard has evolved into the most important and reliable daily statistical publication in the UK.

The COVID-19 dashboard: bringing together data and statistics in one place

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Keeping the public and leaders across government and the health care sector informed about the progress of the coronavirus pandemic is a critical part of controlling the spread of infection. Find out how the COVID-19 dashboard is bringing all the essential data and statistics about COVID-19 in the UK together into one place.