Cancer registration as good as the world's best

...cancer. Early-stage cancers (stages 1 or 2) have hardly spread at all and patients usually do very well, while late-stage cancers (stage 4) have often metastasized well beyond the original...
...cancer. Early-stage cancers (stages 1 or 2) have hardly spread at all and patients usually do very well, while late-stage cancers (stage 4) have often metastasized well beyond the original...
It was just a year ago at the 2013 Cancer Outcomes Conference that we announced the completion of the migration to a single National Cancer Registration Service - described by the media as “the largest single cancer database in the …
...a scheme called The Patient Portal, with support from charities the BrainsTrust and Cancer Research UK, which offers individual patients access to their own information. We also produce an online...