We are delighted to publish our Health Profile for England, a landmark piece of work for PHE, using our data and knowledge to tell a story about the health of England’s population.
The rich data that we produce, collect and analyse every day is fundamental to our work to protect and improve the nation’s health.
Whether it’s the Public Health Outcomes Framework, Local Tobacco Profiles or the National Child Measurement Programme, the data and expertise that we share with our colleagues in national and local government and the NHS are key to improving the health of the nation.
But this is the first time that we have brought all these different sources together with additional high quality data from the Office for National Statistics and elsewhere, to tell the story of the health of people in England.

With an increasing focus on prevention and early intervention across the health system, this is an opportune time to tell this story.
In seven chapters, the Health Profile for England tells us how long we’re living, in what condition, the causes of death, disease and disability, how we compare with our European counterparts and how the circumstances of people’s lives impact on their health.
We know people are living longer, but often in poorer health. We know many people will have to contend with disease and disability before they collect their pension.
We know that what people eat and whether they smoke are the behaviours that have the biggest impact on their health.
We know lower back and neck pain causes the most ill health and disability.
And we know that in poorer parts of the country people have lower life expectancy and fewer years of living in good health.

This all comes together to remind us again that good health is about much more than good health care.
And that for most people, the ingredients for a healthy life are relatively straight-forward: a good education, a good job, a healthy diet, a suitable roof over your head and people to care for and about.
Colleagues across national and local government and the NHS can use the Health Profile for England to think about the health impact of all of their policies, from education and planning, to social care and the environment.
We will update the Health Profile for England regularly. Its chapters are:
Comment by Sarah Trute posted on
As the population of people with learning/cognitive disabilities health profile differs from general population and have many of the socioeconomic factors associated with poor health - would it be possible for PHE to influence policy by providing the same excellent data for this often neglected subset of the population please?
Comment by Ann Poll posted on
I totally agree Sarah, I manage a small group of Community nurses working with Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities in Bucks, more information about poor health within this vulnerable group would be very helpful when planning care in our community.
Comment by Richard Steele posted on
It is lovely. Please may we have the whole lot as a single pdf
Comment by Kath posted on
A single PDF would be really helpful. It's a bit surprising this isn't available to download offline in any way
Comment by Rachael posted on
This is excellent. However a single downloadable format would be useful.
Comment by Rupert Suckling posted on
Has this been made available as a single pdf?
Comment by sir john jones, jr. posted on
MENINGITIS is very common. Why is it so often mis/under diagnosed?
Comment by Silvia Rojas Reyes posted on
Great! Thank you for the effort, only would be very useful to have this information in a handy format like PDF. Thanks again.