A message from Duncan Selbie

Duncan Selbie addresses the creation of the National Institute for Health Protection.
Duncan Selbie is the founding Chief Executive of Public Health England. Prior to 2013, he was Chief Executive of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, the regional teaching hospital for the south east of England. From 2003 to 2007 he was the Director General of Programmes and Performance for the NHS and subsequently its first Director General of Commissioning. Prior to this, he was Chief Executive of South East London Strategic Health Authority and before that Chief Executive of the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. He joined the NHS in January 1980.
Duncan Selbie addresses the creation of the National Institute for Health Protection.
This week our Chief Executive's message focuses on transmission of COVID-19 in schools, Bedford Borough's COVID-19 'deep dive', an updated method to count daily deaths linked to COVID-19, the annual Congenital Anomaly Statistics report, and PHE's evidence review on sleep and health.
This week, our Chief Executive's message focuses on locally enhanced contact tracing in Blackburn with Darwen and Luton, the work of Greater Manchester's local authorities and public services over the past week, PHE's weekly surveillance reports, and travel and hot weather safety.
This week, our Chief Executive's message covers the social care sector's management of COVID-19 outbreaks and the exemplary work in Hammersmith and Fulham Council, PHE's Better Health campaign, new reports on greenspaces and global disaster risk reduction, and our studies to support musicians and artists during the pandemic.
This week our Chief Executive's message covers the flu vaccination programme and winter planning, evidence of the impact of obesity on COVID-19, how COVID-19 mortality is measured, the intelligence-led testing taking place in South Yorkshire, and Eid al-Adha.
Our Chief Executive's message acknowledges the work of Herefordshire and Blackburn with Darwen Councils this week, PHE's involvement in protecting the prison estate throughout the pandemic, a new tool monitoring the wider impacts of COVID-19 on health, and the importance of seroprevalence data.
This week our Chief Executive's message covers the Prime Minister's commitment to tackle obesity and the work PHE is doing to support this, the hard work and innovation going into managing down rates of COVID-19 infection in Bradford, the new Joint Situational Awareness Team, and adult smoking rates in the UK.
This week our Chief Executive's message starts with a message of thanks to PHE staff, then covers the Leicester outbreak, local authorities' COVID-19 Local Outbreak Plans and data on local outbreaks, two evidence reviews looking at Vitamin D and COVID-19, and Professor Dame Carol Black's independent review into the misuse of illegal drugs in England.
This week, our Chief Executive's message covers the easing of lockdown, a study to improve our understanding of COVID-19 antibodies and immunity, the heatwave, drug and alcohol treatment funding for people sleeping rough, and the national #flextheUK campaign.
This week our Chief Executive's message covers PHE's new report on the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups, the new Social Care Sector COVID-19 Support Taskforce and Psychological First Aid training. He also pays tribute to local health protection teams and local authority Directors of Public Health.
The official blog of the UK Health Security Agency, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of health security.