New psychoactive substances in secure mental health settings: the growing case for public health action

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) have featured heavily in recent media stories, and are an increasing focus of our work in PHE.
Matt is Consultant in Public Health for Specialised Commissioning at Public Health England (PHE). He is currently vice-chair of the national PHE specialised commissioning network and leads nationally for PHE input into NHS England clinical policy as an advisor for the NHS England Mental Health and Cancer and Blood Programme of Care Boards. Matt trained in public health in Yorkshire and Humber, and in Sydney Australia, where he obtained UK Faculty of Public Health Awards to lead on healthcare public health projects at the New South Wales Ministry of Health And South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Matt holds honorary academic positions in public health at the universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and Sydney. His academic and professional interests are public health leadership, cancer epidemiology, and major service reconfiguration. He has published in journals including the Lancet and BMJ, and is an editorial board member for the magazine Public Health Today.
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) have featured heavily in recent media stories, and are an increasing focus of our work in PHE.
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In June 2015, we launched our guidance on smoking in secure mental health settings. The guidance summarised the strong evidence base relating to the harms of smoking for adults with mental health conditions and what could be practically implemented to …
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At any one time up to 7,000 people in England are in a secure mental health unit. The units provide care and treatment to people during an incredibly difficult period of their life and should offer an environment of support, helping people …
The official blog of the UK Health Security Agency, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of health security.