Public health data
We are fortunate to have a number of data sources that allow us to track changes in the care and outcomes for people with diabetes and identify local variation across England. These include the National Diabetes Audit which provides an …
Public Health England was created from a large number of organisations and we inherited a lot of data tools and profiles, many of which are accessible via our data gateway. The number of resources by broad category is shown in the graph …
Today, we’re launching Healthier Lives, Diabetes: a new tool to track how we’re tackling diabetes in different areas of England. What’s new is the way it illustrates the risk factors for and care of people with diabetes across different communities …
Next month the premature and preventable mortality data in the Public Health Outcomes Framework and in Longer Lives is being updated and refreshed. Mortality and dying data is a subject that generates much debate and mortality statistics are often in the news. … we call “ICT commodities”. These commodities may be described as the consumable services that we all use such as email, remote access or telephone systems. They are of course...
...that is collected by business. David McCandless, author of Information is Beautiful, said in response, “Data is the new oil? No: Data is the new soil”, by which I think...
...of prescribing, but imagine if we could shift the average rate of beta-blocker use to 70%? Around 3,000 practices would need to increase their prescribing to have rates consistent with...