Health and Wellbeing
Posts about the work of the Health and Wellbeing directorate
Worklessness is an important public health issue at both local and national level and is highlighted in many health and wellbeing strategies, devolution plans and in the Five Year Forward View and Sustainability Transformation Plans for the NHS. With combined …
Back in March I blogged about how community and placed-based approaches to health and wellbeing underpin all of our work at PHE, from tackling obesity to ensuring every child has the best start in life. The potential for these approaches …
We work for Londoners' health every day, but occasionally we need to look up and see what is over the horizon. In London we have recently delivered the final webinar in our Future Drivers of the Health of Londoners webinar …
I was recently invited to an All Party Parliamentary roundtable to explore how we will implement recommendations from the 2016 parliamentary report on behaviour change, information and signposting. These actions will support the NHS Five Year Forward View commitment to …
It’s worrying to see new figures showing a sustained increase in cases likely to have been sexually-acquired between men who have sex with men (MSM). Historically Shigella infections in adults in the UK were mainly due to overseas travel. However, …
Alcohol is a risk factor for more than 60 medical conditions including heart disease, liver disease, depression and a number of cancers – the risk increases with the amount of alcohol drunk. But the harm from alcohol goes far beyond …
Syphilis is often thought of as an historic sexually transmitted infection. It was prevalent up until the mid-20th century after which numbers of infections dropped significantly through effective antibiotic treatment and an awareness of signs and symptoms. But worryingly, syphilis …
An Ipsos Mori survey commissioned by NHS England’s Think Kidneys programme in 2014 suggests that half the UK population were not aware that their kidneys make urine, while very few people knew that kidneys help in the processing of medicines. …
Getting out and enjoying the great outdoors can do wonders for wellbeing – but it can also have an important impact on health. Research shows that access to green space is associated with better health outcomes – for example people …
Understanding what works to keep us mentally healthy and support those experiencing mental health problems is fundamental to reducing health inequalities. We've been working with the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) to understand more about public attitudes to mental wellbeing …