Health and Wellbeing
Posts about the work of the Health and Wellbeing directorate
...around £5,000. A few key factors influence the cost-effectiveness calculation, and they’re not without their challenges. The first is the time-frame that’s used to measure the impact of public health....
...screening invite comes with information to help a woman decide whether or not to attend and there’s also plenty of information online too. So what is cervical screening? What cervical...
...contributed to reductions in admissions due to falls in the home of 32 per cent, falls in residential institutions of 27 per cent and falls in the street of nearly...
...the international average. And within the country, physical activity and inactivity vary by region, by socio-demographic, by disability and by ethnicity. Physical inactivity levels (key local authority areas - England)...
...a local level is essential. More broadly, to deliver on the opportunities created by the transition in sexual and reproductive health and HIV commissioning arrangements over the last year, real...
The proportion of HIV-positive diagnosed women passing (transmitting) their infection to their babies in the UK is now at its lowest ever level, having dropped four-fold in 10 years. In...
...local government and the NHS on: public health issues (smoking, alcohol, drugs, mental health, physical activity, blood pressure control, diet and obesity, sexual health); health marketing and behavioural change; health...
Earlier this week Sally Warren blogged about how we can support personal and community-level action to help people live well with dementia. I want to consider how we can reduce...
...become a Dementia Friend and communities and businesses to become dementia friendly. Expect to hear a lot more about the things we can do to support people with dementia over...
...programmes for a number of different conditions have been established. There are currently three national cancer screening programmes: breast, bowel and cervical; and eight non-cancer screening programmes: six antenatal and...