Sexual health
Today is World AIDS Day, an opportunity for people around the world to come together in the fight against HIV, support those living with the virus and remember those who have died from HIV and AIDS. Our understanding of HIV …
This week is National HIV Testing Week, when people at high risk of HIV are encouraged to get tested to protect their own health and make them less likely to unknowingly pass the virus on to their sexual partners. The …
December 1st, World AIDS Day, is a time to reflect and to remember all those whose lives have been lost or blighted by the virus. Once upon a time, only thirty years ago, almost everyone with HIV infection died. Today …
...young people’s sexual health knowledge. Today’s report provides the findings from an NCSP online survey, undertaken to examine the self-reported impact of chlamydia screening on young adults’ subsequent knowledge, healthcare-seeking...
Yesterday, NICE published public health guidance on contraceptive services for young people, which will be a valuable new resource for local teams looking to deliver tailored sexual health services at convenient locations for under 25s, which provide easy access to …