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Protecting the country's health

Posts relating to PHE Priority 3: Protecting the country's health

Why we are preparing for a worst-case scenario winter season

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Immunisation and vaccination

Alongside COVID-19 there remain other serious threats that stretch our health and social care services every year. Right now, to ensure we plan for these as well as for the continuing pandemic, our attention is on autumn and winter, ensuring we prepare for the challenges this will bring.

Health Matters: Delivering the flu immunisation programme during the COVID-19 pandemic

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Health Matters, Health Protection, Immunisation and vaccination

The latest edition of Health Matters, PHE’s professional resource, focuses on the national flu immunisation programme and the delivery of the 2020/21 programme. This blog provides a summary of the full edition’s content.

Using open innovation and big data in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Antimicrobial resistance, PHE's science

Public Health England has been awarded £5.1 million to create a virtual ‘open access’ centre, which will gather real-time patient data on resistant infections, helping clinicians understand when to use and preserve antibiotics in their treatment. Read the blog to find out more.

Increasing vaccine uptake: Strategies for addressing barriers in primary care

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Health Protection, Immunisation and vaccination

England is a world leader in childhood vaccinations but PHE data show that while coverage remains high, children’s vaccine uptake has been slowly decreasing since 2012-13. This blog looks at 10 ways to address barriers to vaccination in primary care.