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How can public health nurses help deliver the Healthy Child Programme this winter?

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This blog considers the challenges to children’s health this winter, and the ways in which health visitors and school nurses as clinicians and leaders of local services can advise and support families and young people to protect their health as part of the Healthy Child Programme.

11 things to remember for university this year

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Throughout the pandemic young people have made big sacrifices, but thanks to the Covid-19 vaccine programme, which has meant the easing of national restrictions, there is an exciting outlook for the academic year ahead. This blog lists some important things to know for students starting or returning to university this year.

What the Health Profile for England shows us about the wider impacts of COVID-19 on health

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Today we have published the Health Profile for England 2021 report. The Health Profile for England report provides the most comprehensive look at the state of the nation’s health. Like in previous year’s reports, this update looks at a range of population …

A welcome return to school for students in England

As students are welcomed into the new academic year, we know how important schools and colleges are to their health and wellbeing. Find out more about the actions taken to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in schools and the steps to take if a student tests positive.

Ensuring every child gets the best start in life – starting with vaccine protection

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In the last few years we have seen a decline in the number of children getting their routine jabs. We can start to put this right by ensuring that every child gets the best start in life – and that starts with their vaccine protection against unpleasant and sometimes serious diseases.

How we can continue to protect ourselves, each other and reduce the spread of COVID-19

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Most COVID-19 restrictions have now been lifted. However, the pandemic is far from over, and it is crucial that we move forward with caution to protect ourselves, each other and especially the most vulnerable in our society.