What promotes uptake and retention in group-based weight management services?

Obesity is fuelling a rise in Type 2 diabetes We live in an increasingly obesogenic environment, making it harder for individuals to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Obesity is fuelling a rise in Type 2 diabetes We live in an increasingly obesogenic environment, making it harder for individuals to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Most people would be shocked to know that around 22,000 people with diabetes die early every year. With World Diabetes Day this Saturday (14th November), we want to highlight all we’re doing to address this nationwide health burden. It is …
Public Health England and national partners are striving to ensure that data and information is used to improve quality of care and outcomes for people with cardiovascular disease. The interpretation of data and information should be acknowledged as a fundamental …
The amount of sugar we (and our children) consume has been a hot topic for years, but this week we reached a crucial point in the debate following the publication of new recommendations by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition …
We are fortunate to have a number of data sources that allow us to track changes in the care and outcomes for people with diabetes and identify local variation across England. These include the National Diabetes Audit which provides an …
Today, we’re launching Healthier Lives, Diabetes: a new tool to track how we’re tackling diabetes in different areas of England. What’s new is the way it illustrates the risk factors for and care of people with diabetes across different communities …