Some sections of society have poorer health than others. Most strikingly, people from the most affluent areas of the country will have almost 20 more years of healthy life than those in the most disadvantaged areas. This is a central …
Liver disease has changed over the years but my commitment to reducing deaths hasn’t. I’ve had a fascination and passion for treating and preventing it since I was a medical student, training at the Royal Free School of Medicine under …
Conversations about public health may have flowed over coffee yesterday (16 Sep), but they also took place online. On Twitter alone more than 1000 people got involved, Tweeting over 4000 times using the #PHE2014 hashtag. This blog provides a brief snapshot …
We all know there can be huge gaps in life expectancy experienced between different stops on the tube or an equivalent bus route, in Bath or Blackpool, Plymouth, Coventry, Nottingham or Sheffield. Familiarity with these gaps can dim their power …
...Business has a positive role to play for its workforces too. The work itself is already unearthing a real appetite to move the city from a concern about London’s health...
...and in planning potential solutions for change. Sharing the lessons learned through the National Conversation is a key part of developing a wider understanding of the perceptions of health inequalities... inequalities in life expectancy in England have been changing. Between 2002-04 and 2010-12, life expectancy increased in all deprivation deciles. For males, the increase in life expectancy in the...
...intelligence works along much the same principle of asking lots of questions - not just about the state of a population’s health but also about the factors that help shape...