What promotes uptake and retention in group-based weight management services?

Obesity is fuelling a rise in Type 2 diabetes We live in an increasingly obesogenic environment, making it harder for individuals to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Obesity is fuelling a rise in Type 2 diabetes We live in an increasingly obesogenic environment, making it harder for individuals to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Many readers of this blog will be well aware of the challenge that our obesity epidemic poses - the damaging impact on our health and our health services is clear. But just identifying the scale of the problem will only …
You may have seen stories in the media recently on fats in our diet; saturated, unsaturated and trans to be precise - with studies offering new information on what we can and can’t eat and how much is ok. One …
The amount of sugar we (and our children) consume has been a hot topic for years, but this week we reached a crucial point in the debate following the publication of new recommendations by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition …
How much difference can sport and leisure professionals make to our publics’ health? The answer is a great deal. The evidence base that physical activity is good for your health grows every week. Recent papers have highlighted the role it can …
“To tall men I’m a midget and to short men I’m a giant; to the skinny ones I’m a fat man and to the fat ones I’m a thin man….. In fact I’m quite ordinary.” So says the Ordinary Man …
...local government and the NHS on: public health issues (smoking, alcohol, drugs, mental health, physical activity, blood pressure control, diet and obesity, sexual health); health marketing and behavioural change; health...
Obesity can sometimes be hard to spot, even though it’s all around us. Take parents, who think their child is about the right weight, even when the child is actually overweight or obese – this happens to nearly one in …