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Social marketing

Posts relating to PHE social marketing work, including Change4Life, Smokefree, Stoptober and Be Clear on Cancer.

How did singing and dancing pills raise awareness of antibiotic resistance? 

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Behavioural Insights, Data blog, Social marketing

In 2017, the Keep Antibiotics Working campaign targeted groups who were most likely to use antibiotics (mothers of children aged 0-16, and people aged over 50), and healthcare professionals dealing with patient care and prescribing. In this blog post, we look at a peer-reviewed study investigating the impact of the campaign.

What does the digital age mean for the public's health?

If you are reading this blog on a smartphone you are not alone. 62% of UK adults have one, and this is increasing significantly each year. About a quarter of Public Health Matters’ readership access this site from a smartphone …