This blog provides a snapshot of the latest edition of Health Matters, which focuses on the range of smoking quitting routes that are available and the evidence for their effectiveness. It also explores perceptions around nicotine and e-cigarette safety.
Local stop smoking services were established in England in 1999 as part of the Government’s commitment to help smokers to quit. These services have been phenomenally successful and to date have helped over 4 million people to successfully quit for …
Welcome to PHE’s Health Matters, a new resource for public health professionals, which brings together important facts, figures and evidence of effective (and cost-effective) interventions to tackle major public health problems. In creating Health Matters, we’ve been inspired and helped …
At any one time up to 7,000 people in England are in a secure mental health unit. The units provide care and treatment to people during an incredibly difficult period of their life and should offer an environment of support, helping people …
The recent publication of the ONS reports on Adult Smoking Habits in Great Britain and the Integrated Household Survey results for 2013 brings welcome news on smoking. Adult smoking rates are at their lowest ever, below 19% based on the …
Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable death in England. It is estimated that in 2013, 79,900 deaths in adults aged 35 and over were caused by smoking, this equates to 17% of all deaths in this age group. Data …
For nearly 20 years England has been doing great work to tackle the harms caused by smoking. Cigarette advertising is banned, the age of sale for tobacco has been increased to 18 and enclosed public places have been smokefree since …
It helps to have a good sense of humour when things are tough. Anyone who has quit smoking, or knows someone who has, will know that quitting counts as a tough time. Friends and colleagues who have quit tell me …
...local government and the NHS on: public health issues (smoking, alcohol, drugs, mental health, physical activity, blood pressure control, diet and obesity, sexual health); health marketing and behavioural change; health...