Advancing good mental health for all

Reflecting on this World Mental Health Day's theme of ‘mental health for all’, this blog highlights some of the important work that PHE has been leading to advance good population mental health.
Clare Perkins is Deputy Director of the Priorities and Programmes Division in the Health Improvement Directorate at Public Health England (PHE), and is responsible for seven national public health programmes: Public Mental Health, Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Work and Health, Musculoskeletal Health, Healthy Places, Communities, and Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and HIV.
Clare is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health, registered as a Public Health Specialist (generalist), and has over 25 years’ experience in the NHS, Academia and the Civil Service, working at local, regional and national levels.
Former posts include Head of Risk Factors Intelligence (PHE), Director of the North West Knowledge and Intelligence Team (PHE), Deputy Director of the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University, and Assistant Regional Director of Public Health in the South West.
Twitter: @clare_perkins
Reflecting on this World Mental Health Day's theme of ‘mental health for all’, this blog highlights some of the important work that PHE has been leading to advance good population mental health.
PHE has launched the Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT), designed to support professionals across the public health system and wider health economy systematically address health inequalities and equity in their work programmes, services or business planning cycles. Read this blog to find out more about the tool.
PHE has developed a new routine COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing surveillance report, which provides a close to real time picture of our nation's mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic.
PHE are leading the work to support the population’s mental health through COVID-19. This blog sets out PHE’s local and national approach to dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing
Mental health and mental illness have an impact on all of us, either directly or indirectly – whilst we can all benefit from having good mental health, 1 in 6 adults experienced a common mental health problem in the last week. This blog covers the ways in which PHE is prioritising improving mental health and the lives of people living with mental illness.
This blog describes how people are affected by hearing loss across the life course and sets out actions for prevention and treatment.
PHE's evidence syntheses series aims to produce a rapid response to often complex public health questions where there is no existing evidence. Find out more about how this new product can support public health decision-making.
As part of our work on the National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP), we’ve followed the anonymised records of more than 33,000 children from Reception to Year 6 in four local authorities.
...coder must identify a primary code, which could be seen as the main reason for admission but they can also record up to 19 secondary codes which describe other diagnoses...
The official blog of the UK Health Security Agency, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of health security.