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Reducing preventable deaths

Posts relating to PHE Priority 1: Reducing preventable deaths

Making the economic case for public health

How do we make the financial case for investing in public health? It’s an important question for Public Health England, because unless our recommendations and advice stack up economically, they are less likely to be implemented, however compelling the scientific …

The ordinary person: measuring height and weight in adults

“To tall men I’m a midget and to short men I’m a giant; to the skinny ones I’m a fat man and to the fat ones I’m a thin man….. In fact I’m quite ordinary.” So says the Ordinary Man …

Strengthening our intelligence

English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”.  The more of it we have, the better informed and equipped we are to address any issues and drive improvements. And this too is true for health.  Within Public Health …

Making HIV testing part of how we care for ourselves

Via Wikimedia Commons

HIV remains a major source of harm to people’s health, much of which is avoidable.  There are more HIV tests being performed in England than at any time in the three decades we’ve been battling this virus. That’s welcome, but …

Of RAGs and riches: indicators of public health in the Public Health Outcomes Framework

...intelligence works along much the same principle of asking lots of questions - not just about the state of a population’s health but also about the factors that help shape...