Reducing preventable deaths
Posts relating to PHE Priority 1: Reducing preventable deaths
...around £5,000. A few key factors influence the cost-effectiveness calculation, and they’re not without their challenges. The first is the time-frame that’s used to measure the impact of public health....
“To tall men I’m a midget and to short men I’m a giant; to the skinny ones I’m a fat man and to the fat ones I’m a thin man….. In fact I’m quite ordinary.” So says the Ordinary Man …
...a scheme called The Patient Portal, with support from charities the BrainsTrust and Cancer Research UK, which offers individual patients access to their own information. We also produce an online...
...programmes for a number of different conditions have been established. There are currently three national cancer screening programmes: breast, bowel and cervical; and eight non-cancer screening programmes: six antenatal and...
In my previous blog I talked about my vision for integration and the importance of putting people at the heart of care. To bring this to life we published Health...
English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”. The more of it we have, the better informed and equipped we are to address any issues and drive improvements. And this too is true for health. Within Public Health …
As a country we are used to having a conversation about healthcare. A&E, access to GPs, the future of local hospitals are core to the daily news and to political...
HIV remains a major source of harm to people’s health, much of which is avoidable. There are more HIV tests being performed in England than at any time in the...
...public’s health has a key part to play in successful integration to drive health and well-being, other than to only manage acute sickness. For an individual to be truly in...
...intelligence works along much the same principle of asking lots of questions - not just about the state of a population’s health but also about the factors that help shape...