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Flooding and the public's health: looking beyond the short-term

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Climate change, Health Protection, Protecting the country's health
Copyright Public Health England

In the past month, windstorms and flooding have been knocking at our doors more frequently than we would like. Like an unwelcome guest, severe weather brings with it many problems and often ones that are not always easily visible.  It …

Strengthening our intelligence

English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”.  The more of it we have, the better informed and equipped we are to address any issues and drive improvements. And this too is true for health.  Within Public Health …

How does a public health agency contribute to economic growth?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Developing our own capacity and capability

...quality assurance”; and “intellectual property and innovations”. By the nature of our work, we possess specialist facilities and provide specialist services like training, manufacture of highly specialised drugs and vaccines,...