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Inside Britain’s Deadly Fungus Collection

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A micriscopic image of the fungi Cunninghamella bertholletiae

Housed near Bristol, UKHSA’s National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi (NCPF) is home to more than 4,500 isolates of potentially deadly fungi isolates, gathered over the last century.

In this blog post, we’ll cover the history of the NCPF: why it was set up, what it houses and how it continues to play an important role in protecting our health.

How bacteria-munching viruses could offer an alternative to antibiotics

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Stylised visualisation of a bacteriophage

They look like something out of nightmare, but these so-called ‘spider viruses’ occur naturally, and could be a powerful new weapon in tackling the growing threat of antibiotic resistance. Bacteriophages, or phages for short, have a remarkable and currently untapped …

Is hay fever season starting earlier in the UK, with the pollen count rising?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Health in a changing climate
Honeybee covered in pollen on a pussy willow catkin

Hay fever is already common during the spring and summer months, but our changing climate could see some symptoms starting earlier in the year for allergy sufferers across the UK. Recent studies suggest that some types of pollen and other …