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How Heat-Health Alerts contribute to keeping the vulnerable safe this summer

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Two deckchairs by a lake in a park

This week’s higher temperatures have triggered a yellow Heat-Health Alert, issued for England by the Met Office and UKHSA. While some may question the necessity of such warnings, it's crucial to understand the significant health implications that accompany changes in temperature. In this blog we look at the importance of taking action to protect the most vulnerable in periods of hot weather, even when yellow alerts are issued.

How you can help us resist the tiger mosquito’s conquest of Europe

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As our world becomes increasingly interconnected and the climate changes, the UK faces challenges that we might associate with more exotic destinations. One such challenge is the potential introduction of invasive mosquito species, particularly the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus). This …

What is RSV and is there a vaccine?

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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major respiratory virus that is common over the winter period, typically November to February. While the symptoms are mild for many, RSV accounts for around 30,000 hospitalisations of children under 5 in the UK annually, and for 20 to 30 infant deaths. In this post, we look at the symptoms, risk factors and who is eligible for the vaccine.