...if they had to build these capabilities from scratch. In the life sciences sector, quality assurance is critically important. By offering our testing and quality assurance capabilities to industry (for...
Early on in our existence as Public Health England, the four PHE centre directors for the Midlands and East of England region and I discussed where we particularly wanted to...
As a country we are used to having a conversation about healthcare. A&E, access to GPs, the future of local hospitals are core to the daily news and to political...
...bioinformatic capabilities to manage, store and share this data and to link them effectively to clinical and epidemiological datasets. We also have to accept that this is a rapidly moving...
We are in the midst of the 16 Days of Action Opposing Violence Against Women, a national movement to raise awareness and prompt action across the world. Public Health England...
HIV remains a major source of harm to people’s health, much of which is avoidable. There are more HIV tests being performed in England than at any time in the...
...for population size and other variables five extra children under the age of 14 die every day. Secondly, variation in health and wellbeing outcomes between local areas highlights what good...
...public’s health has a key part to play in successful integration to drive health and well-being, other than to only manage acute sickness. For an individual to be truly in...
...cheaper today than it has ever been when compared to our earnings and how much money we have for luxury items. Alcohol consumption has levelled off in the past few...
Antibiotics have been around for nearly 70 years. Many people still alive today may remember them first being used to treat casualties from the Second World War. Around 1944 a newspaper billboard proclaimed that ‘Penicillin cures gonorrhoea in four hours …