A single knowledge and intelligence service
We hear a great deal about the common illnesses that affect many people such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. However, we hear much less on rare diseases, each of which affects relatively small numbers of people. Nevertheless, if you …
It was just a year ago at the 2013 Cancer Outcomes Conference that we announced the completion of the migration to a single National Cancer Registration Service - described by the media as “the largest single cancer database in the …
It’s nearly June. That means many things to many people – summer, school holidays, long evenings… and to some, Health Profiles. Since 2006, these summaries of health data for each local authority in England have been produced to support local …
We’re at an exciting time for cancer registration information, taking one step towards a single national cancer registration system. In November, the data from the last of our regional cancer registries was brought into the single processing system, Encore, at …
English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”. The more of it we have, the better informed and equipped we are to address any issues and drive improvements. And this too is true for health. Within Public Health …
On 1 April 2013 the regional Public Health Observatories (PHOs) transferred along with the specialist observatories and the National Cancer Intelligence Network into PHE as a single Knowledge and Intelligence service for England. It was, and still is, a momentous …