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Of RAGs and riches: indicators of public health in the Public Health Outcomes Framework

“Are we there yet?” You don’t have to travel very far with small children before you are asked this question. In fact, a survey by in March 2013 reported that children ask their mothers around 300 questions every day …

Nursing and the public’s health: in PHE and beyond

Last week saw plenty of conversation about the public health aspect of the Compassion in Practice nursing vision. Viv Bennett and her team were letting nurses and midwives know that they can really make a difference. Here are some highlights.

Recovery from drug dependency: where next?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Health and Wellbeing, Reducing the burden of disease

Today Public Health England published national drug treatment statistics for adults in 2012-13. They show that treatment continues to perform well overall and that, within the context of declining prevalence, the numbers in treatment are falling.  Access remains quick and …

Continuing the role of public health observatories

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A single knowledge and intelligence service, Chief Knowledge Officer

On 1 April 2013 the regional Public Health Observatories (PHOs) transferred along with the specialist observatories and the National Cancer Intelligence Network into PHE as a single Knowledge and Intelligence service for England.  It was, and still is, a momentous …