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The COVID-19 dashboard: bringing together data and statistics in one place

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Keeping the public and leaders across government and the health care sector informed about the progress of the coronavirus pandemic is a critical part of controlling the spread of infection. Find out how the COVID-19 dashboard is bringing all the essential data and statistics about COVID-19 in the UK together into one place.

No child left behind - a public health informed approach to improving outcomes for vulnerable children

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, local government, health, education and other public services have sought to make sure that vulnerable children are protected. As we look ahead, these children and their families remain central to our public health plans and ambitions.

Duncan Selbie's Friday Message - 31 July 2020

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This week, our Chief Executive's message covers the social care sector's management of COVID-19 outbreaks and the exemplary work in Hammersmith and Fulham Council, PHE's Better Health campaign, new reports on greenspaces and global disaster risk reduction, and our studies to support musicians and artists during the pandemic.