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Justine Fitzpatrick

Justine is the Interim Director of the London Knowledge and Intelligence Team within the Chief Knowledge Officer’s Directorate in Public Health England. She leads the national workstream to develop and produce indicators for the Public Health Outcomes Framework as well as the health inequalities and tobacco workstreams. She is also working with the London Centre to develop a pan-London health intelligence service. Prior to joining Public Health England, Justine was the Deputy Director at the London Health Observatory. Before joining the Observatory, Justine was at the Office for National Statistics working in the health inequalities team. Justine graduated from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with an MSc in Medical Demography in 1996.

What the Health Profile for England shows us about the wider impacts of COVID-19 on health

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Today we have published the Health Profile for England 2021 report. The Health Profile for England report provides the most comprehensive look at the state of the nation’s health. Like in previous year’s reports, this update looks at a range of population …

Health Profile for England: the health of England today and into the future

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The first update to our Health Profile for England report sets out the most comprehensive picture of the health of the population, as well as future trends, and forecasting what the story might look like in years to come.

From event to indicator - collecting and using data in our Public Health Outcomes Framework

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We are often asked why the data we publish in the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) webtool is not current. For example, in early 2018, why is 2015 the latest data we have available on under 18 conceptions and 2016 …

Life expectancy continues to rise, but inequalities remain

...and life expectancy at the bottom of the line. A similar chart can be drawn for female life expectancy. The SII represents the range in years of life expectancy across...

Of RAGs and riches: indicators of public health in the Public Health Outcomes Framework

...intelligence works along much the same principle of asking lots of questions - not just about the state of a population’s health but also about the factors that help shape...